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Medical Math for Veterinary Students


Whether you love math or hate it, it’s likely to occupy a significant portion of your daily routine as a veterinarian.

Much of what you do while on clinics and in future jobs will involve calculating drug doses, whether you are calculating an antibiotic dose for a skin infection or a propofol dose for a patient undergoing surgery.

While dosage calculations are typically relatively straightforward, other calculations in veterinary medicine may be more challenging. This is especially true for calculations that you may perform on an inconsistent basis, such as calculating caloric requirements for weight loss.

Therefore, it’s important to review these calculations and have resources available for assistance when needed.

This free PDF covers the following topics: 

  • Calculate a patient’s maintenance fluid rate
  • Calculate a patient’s replacement fluid rate
  • Dilute a substance to achieve a desired concentration
  • Calculate a constant rate infusion
  • Calculate nutritional requirements
  • Convert a % solution to mg/ml
  • Tips for Medical Math

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